Millennial is a great source of new vocabulary which the vast majority will quickly adopt as soon as they are created by this generation. Millennials, also known as Gen Y, were born in the '90s and 2000s and are a generation completely comfortable with the use of electronics and Internet technology. Their tastes are distinct from other generations, in food, furnishings, travel choices, and language. In language as in any other thing, they have become tastemakers. Every older generation loves the way the younger generation speaks. The sentence "children today..." may come from parents' mouths in 1915 or 2015, which means the same thing: children speak differently, so they talk incorrectly. What you don't know is that English isn't destroyed — it just changes, and that's a good thing. If we still speak as Shakespeare, would our language ever have evolved?
This change is expected to take place at the forefront of the millenniums. The youngest generations have always established linguistic changes for decades. It is not a new concept and for decades people have given a new meaning to old words, the only difference is, that words are recycled at flashing speeds and that it is quite challenging to live up to these new meanings!
The Millennials are dramatic, enthusiastic, and optimistic to be ironical, but also to demonstrate that the cool was to be somewhat cynical to past generations. This is reflected in their words and their expressions, exclamations and exaggeration are excessively dramatic. Everyday jargon is shaped by digital culture and gaming influences. Waking up in a world where mobile phone ownership and where text messages can be used as a standard way of communicating is fulfilling. Millennials shorten words to accelerate their responses. The most common include BTY (by the way), JK (just kidding), TMI (too much information), NITM (not in the mood), FOMO (fear of missing), and BFF (the best friend forever).
Millenniums are most welcome to visit offices abroad, work with international customers and cooperate with employees from various countries in their workplace. Millennials believe that success is more than profit, and they really want to have a global impact. The focus on work-life balance is probably one of the major changes that millennium workers have brought about in the corporate sector. The balance between work and life is a motto among millennia, and many of them balance their jobs and life successfully. The majority of work functions today do not require staff to be present every day on the job. On the one hand, technologies have allowed Millennials to operate seamlessly from everywhere. The transition to mobile communication has redefined the work culture. On the other hand, it also has made thousands of years of employees accessible. Millennials are available every day and every time and also during working hours. They are always available.
They have lived in a world of social networking, which is very connected. Socialism is a key element of their lifestyle. They have an innate need to share their points of view and ideas and thus look for a similar working environment. Cultures and working environments that promote collaborative work will therefore become the norm quickly.
Millennium is an ever-moving phenomenon, and to remain pertinent you need to refer to your urban online dictionary! Since thousands of years of value, social media marketers who wish to attract attention should appreciate the style. Listen to what you say, and how you say it. This does not mean your voice should be imitating — nobody likes copycats — but the changes that occur in the linguistic environment should be known to you as they probably will stay there for good. . Millennial language is constantly shifting. It might be worth keeping oneself up-to-date or familiarising with it.