Saturday, 3 August 2019

Professional French Translation Services in Delhi | Delsh Business Consultancy

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. French evolved from Gallo-Romance, the spoken Latin in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul.

French translation agency in India is ISO 9001:2008certified and offers French Translation Services with its team of more than 500+ professional native translators across the globe.

We offer French Translation Services in the following language pairs:

·         French to English Translation Services
·         English to French Translation Services
·         French to English Localization Services
·         English to French Localization Services

As one of the largest French translation companies worldwide within our network of certified linguists we have 5 hundreds of French legal translators specifically trained in 'legalese' and practice-area specific terminology. In addition to French document translation.

English to French Translation Services 100% done by humans:
Our French translation service with people who are not only language experts but also experts in technical fields such as law, medicine, and business.

French Legal Translation Services in Delhi
We are equipped to translate a number of different legal documents. Some examples of documents:

·         Legal documents             
·         Account Statements
·         Contracts and Agreements
·         Loan Documents
·         Profit Reports
·         Shareholder Reports
·         Employment Handbooks
·         Tax Documents
·         Financial Records
·         Payment Notices
·         Documents for Law Suits
·         Subpoenas

French Business Translation Services in Delhi
·         Advertising Materials            
·         Accounting Records
·         Professional Articles              
·         Legal Documents
·         Presentation Materials         
·         Memos and Communications
·         Marketing Plans      
·         Business Projections
·         Pamphlets and Brochures   
·         Technical Drawings
·         Reports       
·         Business Proposals

French Technical Translation Services in Delhi

·         Aeronautical Engineering            
·         Computer Programming
·         Architecture      
·         Chemical Engineering
·         Education Technology   
·         Manufacturing
·         Optics  
·         Robotics
·         Hardware Design            
·         Biomedical Engineering
·         Mechanical Engineering               
·         Information Technology
Contracts, agreements, certificates, wills and trusts, documents of partnership, and a wide variety of other legal documents. Our translators in this area have legal experience and extensive qualifications within the legal area.

Welike to offer our clients the best value for their money!